real life is beautiful

Pittsburgh Family Photographer Blog

Welcome to the Little Story Studio blog! There's something here for everyone: for the lifestyle or documentary photographer searching for online photography education or tutorials, and for the mom and dad with a camera trying to beautifully document their son or daughter's childhood. 

Andrea Moffatt is a Pittsburgh PA family photographer, serving Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas through family photography sessions and photography education workshops.











Posts tagged greensburg photographer
The Art of Sticking With It

Well, I said I would keep my Lensbaby Sweet 35 on my camera for a week, and I did it! (It was hard, but I did it!) The lens has such a unique look that it was a real test to leave it on for all occasions and genres of shooting. On the other hand, what an awesome challenge that opened my eyes to possibilities I hadn't previously seen! 

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Your Priceless Little Story

Congrats! You are on a quest to find your perfect photographer and you have it narrowed down to a few you love. (That's a great first step, by the way- you should LOVE the work of your photographer. After all, how often do you style and pull the whole family together? Plus- you're going to be in the picture-- do a Happy Dance!) Back to your big choice: All things equal, you'd be satisfied with any of your top photographers. But of course, all things aren't equal. You notice that one of the photographer's price is more than double the others. Why, you ask, for an hours worth of the photographer's shooting time (and many more editing), would you pay more than double for this one? 

That photographer is probably me, and before you cross me off your list, I'd like to share with you why I'm priced the way I am. 

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On Bravery and New Learning

This week, the boys and I met a friend at Twin Lakes Park in Westmoreland County, PA for a leisurely walk and bike around the lakes + photo practice. My talented and driven friend is learning photography - she has just reached the point where she can confidently shoot in manual, and so I thought, what better way for her to practice than on my energetic 3 and 5 year old? Like any kids, they don't stop and wait for you to change your settings and they certainly don't oblige your light preferences. 

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Greensburg Photographer - March 10 on 10 project

My big news today? I patched together my first simple stop motion video! (Check it out below.) And I'm proud to announce that including shooting, editing, and posting, it took me under an hour. I might have found a new obsession! 

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Greensburg Family Photographer | Life in February

The darkest months of the year are now offically behind us! To anyone in the midst of a 366 project: you've done the hardest part! 

Our February wasn't filled with lots of sun, but it WAS full of pretending and snuggling, building and celebrating. My youngest turned 3, my oldest discovered the addictive nature of photography and video making. I spent the month feeling rather "blah" about shooting, but looking back at some of my favorite shots makes me realize it wasn't so bad. If I can do February, I can do any month! Last year March brought some of the best light of the year, and this year, I'll be embarking on a new adventure: film making! Bring it on!

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5 shots for a Gloomy, Rainy Day + Tips

I'm big on challenging myself. When I'm feeling uninspired, when the light is less than ideal, when I don't feel like picking up my camera, a simple, self-issued challenge will sometimes snap me out of it.

The weather report for today and tomorrow is full of rain and clouds, I haven't taken a good picture in days, and all I want to do is drink coffee. Time for a challenge!

Here are 5 shots for a Gloomy, Rainy Day + ideas to keep you inspired on your less than inspiring days:

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Pittsburgh Family Photographer | 80th Surprise Party

What a treat it was to spend the afternoon with the awesome, loving, and all-around fun Shorkey family! I told them, but I'll say it again: It is easy to make great pictures of families whose love is very apparent. This is the case with the Shorkeys. Whether it's through a giant hug, silly antics, or just a simple touch on the shoulder, love is easy to photograph and impossible to hide with this family. 

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Greensburg PA Family Photographer | 10 on 10 Project

Here are 10 images for the 10th of February. I couldn't have asked for a more ordinary February day in the life of a toddler and preschooler- a trip to the doctor's for an ear infection through the white, sparse canvas that is winter in Pennsylvania, lunch, stories before nap time, Valentine card crafting, indoor play, and stories before bed. It's ordinary (and cold!), but it's our life right now and I've pledged to look for the beauty in all of it.  

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Documenting Your Child's Space

One of my favorite places to photograph my kids is in their bedroom. Why? 

Why NOT? Their bedrooms are like an extension of them. What they read, play with, hang on their walls, set out on their shelves... all tell a story about who they are now and who they are becoming. As you read the rest of this article, don't forget about older children and teens. It is at every stage of your son's and daughter's childhood that you will find satisfaction in this process.

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Tell Your Little Story: Photographing Your Real Life | Greensburg Photographer

It was 4:00pm and it was that Time of Day. Every day by that time, my feet ache, my nerves are frayed, the kids are tired, I'm hungry, etc. etc. etc. But with only an hour until dinnertime, collapsing onto the couch is the last thing I have time to do. Plus, there's always the chance that if I sit down I'll never get up!

On this day, I shuffled into the kitchen, still a little foggy-headed and craving a nap after reading to my oldest from his favorite chapter book series. I dug the chicken out of the refrigerator and turned around to see an overflowing and cluttered countertop. Every part of our day had contributed to the overwhelming mess in front of me.

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