real life is beautiful

Pittsburgh Family Photographer Blog

Welcome to the Little Story Studio blog! There's something here for everyone: for the lifestyle or documentary photographer searching for online photography education or tutorials, and for the mom and dad with a camera trying to beautifully document their son or daughter's childhood. 

Andrea Moffatt is a Pittsburgh PA family photographer, serving Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas through family photography sessions and photography education workshops.











January Daily Stories

It's here! My monthly round up of January stories. This year, I aim to complete my 3rd 365 project in a row... this one, in full color. Already my choice to only edit my daily picture in color is vexing me. Especially with low light photography, it is often so much easier to fiddle around with a color picture for a few minutes and then throw up your hands and say, "to heck with it! black and white it is!" Without that option to fall back on, I've already had to think much more carefully while shooting. (Which is never a bad thing, of course!)

While January began all lit up and decked out with Christmas decorations, it ended on a quiet, empty note. But it was a warm, simple kind of empty. Around this time of year, I always find myself craving re-organized toy shelves, wiped clean surfaces, and fires in the fireplace. 

I'm totally content with short days and indoor playtime; it fits with my love of pjs, twinkle lights, and all the kinds of imaginative (often nerdy) indoor play.

Besides my Year of Color personal challenge, I'm also taking part in a monthly video challenge. My goal? To make 12 monthly videos, one for each month and all of them of my own family. I've been warned over and over that children grow up too fast, and it's happening right in front of my eyes. To this end, I want to make a sort of "home movie" style video every month that freezes my two little guys right where they are. There's just something about sound and motion that brings you right back. Not sure yet if I'll consistently share them, because I'm much more concerned with the memories and their little voices than the technical pieces of splicing and transitions. But here is the first one, for what it's worth- our January 2017, in a nutshell:

Moffatt Family, January 2017