Little Story Captures Your Family's Milestones
Real life is brimming with moments worthy of being captured and held close. But due to our face-paced lifestyles, unfamiliarity with our cameras, and all the other demands that are constantly threatening to overwhelm us, most of us rarely oblige.
The annual smiling family portraits line up on the mantle, marking evidence of a full year's growth between each one. The portraits prove there were birthdays celebrated, braces removed, babies turned toddlers. But photos of those milestones? They are what's missing. When it comes to retelling the stories that come together to make a life, we've only our memories on which to rely.
But what if you could fill in the gaps between the annual family portraits? What if, instead of just slippery memories, you could have tangible photos of some of the most important milestones in your family's life?